Look after your village
I’m not talking about where you’re from or your state of origin. I’m not talking about your family. Sure, they’re already on your list.
But what about the people we see everyday? At work, at church, at school, everywhere? What about the people we assume are living well because they’re looking good? What about those we know but don’t meet everyday?
See, people are going through stuff and even contemplating ending their lives. But hey, we can make a little difference by living differently. By caring more and being genuinely concerned about those in your circle and community. By being aware and paying attention to what’s happening with those around you.
It’s really interesting to know that those who commit suicide had people in their life yet they felt alone. They felt their world was ending. In all the hustle and bustle of life, find time to check on yourself (that’s where it starts), to check on your village — a small circle of one or two friends you may not be talking to very often.
A call can do a lot. A text. An airtime. Data. Money. Time. Something. Sharing stuff and concerns together. Be that person that’s receptive and open to sharing hope and strength to your village people.
You can make the world a better place, one person at a time. How? By looking after yourself, your village, your constituency and your community.
Let’s connect on a deeper level: https://linktr.ee/chukatalks